YUPPIES蓄电池MF12-38 系列说明及简介销售
更新:2021-03-11 01:01 编号:8344656 发布IP: 浏览:32次- 发布企业
- 北京盛达绿能科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:山东盛达绿能电源科技有限公司组织机构代码:91371702MA3RET2R68
- 报价
- 人民币¥1.00元每只
- 品牌
- 化学类型
- 免维护蓄电池
- 型号
- MF12-38
- 关键词
- YUPPIES蓄电池MF12-38
- 所在地
- 山东济南
- 联系电话
- 18053081797
- 手机
- 18053081797
- 经理
- 刘惠 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
2.2.3普通UPS 1+1冗余并机系统与HIFT UPS方案配置比较 可靠性比较
在本案例中,普通UPS 1+1并联冗余系统的可靠性计算公式如下:
如果单机可靠性为R(t)=0.99,代入公式得出1+1并联系统的可靠度为:R (1+1)=0.9999
HIFT UPS在方案1中,也采用主机40KVA系统并联冗余,但由于其模块化结构设计,可组成N+X并联系统,也就是在系统冗余的情况下在冗余,组成2+2系统,依据系统的可靠性模型,计算如下:
YUPPIES蓄电池MF12-38 系列说明及简介销售
· 安装使用与维护
1 电池在运输途中或保存过程中由于自放电损失一定容量 , 请使用前进行补充电 , 建议每月 3~6 个月补充电一次.
2 电池出厂时已是初充电状态 , 不要将正负端子短接 .
3 应正确选用电池 , 新旧蓄电池不能混合使用 .
4 实际容量相同的电池或电池组方可串联使用 .
5 实际电压 , 容量相同的电池或电池组方可并联使用 ( 并联使用好不超过 4 组 ).
6 让电池有一个良好的工作及储存环境,应话在干燥、通风的地方使用,避免阳光直射,远离热源及高温物体。电池放电时,工作温度请控制在 20 摄氏度 ~ 50 摄氏度 范围内。
7 使用电池时应当正立安装放置,不建议侧放使用。电池组中每个电池间端子连接要牢固。
UPS power supply of ubers battery under normal use
The maintenance work of the main engine is very little, mainlydust-proof and regular dust removal. Especially in the dry climatearea, there are many dust particles in the air. The wind in themachine will bring dust into the machine for deposition. When theair is wet, it will cause the control disorder of the main machine,cause the main machine to work abnormally, and give inaccuratealarm. A large amount of dust will also cause the poor heatdissipation of the device. Generally, it should be cleaned once aquarter. Secondly, when dedusting, check whether the connectors andconnectors are loose or not. At present, the energy storagebatteries all use maintenance free batteries, but this only avoidsthe previous work of measuring ratio, proportion and addingdistilled water regularly. However, the impact of external workingconditions on the battery has not changed, and the impact ofabnormal working conditions on the battery has not changed. Thispart of maintenance and repair work is still very important. Alarge number of maintenance and repair work of UPS power supplysystem is mainly in the battery part, and the work of energystorage battery is all in the floating charge state. In this case,the battery should be discharged at least once a year. Beforedischarging, the battery pack should be charged evenly to achievethe balance of the whole battery pack. It is necessary to know thebackward battery existing in the battery pack before discharging.In the discharge process, if one of them reaches the dischargetermination voltage, the discharge shall be stopped, and thebackward battery shall be eliminated before discharging. Checkdischarge is not the first to pursue the percentage of dischargecapacity, but to focus on the discovery and treatment of backwardbatteries, after the treatment of backward batteries, checkdischarge experiments should be carried out. In this way, accidentscan be prevented, so as to prevent the backward battery fromdeteriorating into reverse battery during discharge
Yuppers battery professional yuppers UPS battery, yuppers DCpanel battery, yuppers
·Installation, use and maintenance
1. The battery loses a certain capacity due to self dischargeduring transportation or storage. Please recharge before use. It isrecommended to recharge once every 3-6 months
2 the battery is in the initial state of charge when leaving thefactory, so do not short-circuit the positive and negativeterminals
3 batteries shall be selected correctly, and old and newbatteries shall not be mixed
4 batteries or batteries with the same actual capacity can beused in series
5 batteries or battery groups with the same actual voltage andcapacity can be used in parallel (no more than 4 groups can be usedin parallel)
6. Make the battery have a good working and storage environment,use it in a dry and ventilated place, avoid direct sunlight, keepaway from heat sources and high temperature objects. When thebattery is discharged, please control the working temperaturewithin the range of 20 ℃ ~ 50 ℃.
7 when using the battery, it should be installed and placed inthe upright position, and it is not recommended to put it on theside. The terminal connection between each battery in the batterypack shall be firm.
The company adheres to meet social needs as its ownresponsibility, and always pursues high performance, high gradeproducts and one hundred percent customer satisfaction. Market isthe navigation of enterprise development, technology is thelifeline of enterprise development, service is the guarantee ofenterprise development, talent is the wealth of enterprisedevelopment. We have continuously improved and developed ourselvesthrough technological innovation and technological transformation,and now we have reached an excellent modern enterprise in thebattery industry in Asia.
The company always takes the research of new technology and newprocess and the development of new products as the foundation ofsurvival and development. Through market research, the companyconstantly understands customer demand, keeps track of globalmarket changes of battery, constantly improves product performanceand launches new products to meet market demand and meet customerdemand
Yuppies battery
1. 我们将依照客户的请求提供相关的技术培训和技术材料。
2. 产品有质量问题,一年免费保修,终生维护,有合同商定的按合同商定。
The maintenance work of the main engine is very little, mainlydust-proof and regular dust removal. Especially in the dry climatearea, there are many dust particles in the air. The wind in themachine will bring dust into the machine for deposition. When theair is wet, it will cause the control disorder of the main machine,cause the main machine to work abnormally, and give inaccuratealarm. A large amount of dust will also cause the poor heatdissipation of the device. Generally, it should be cleaned once aquarter. Secondly, when dedusting, check whether the connectors andconnectors are loose or not. At present, the energy storagebatteries all use maintenance free batteries, but this only avoidsthe previous work of measuring ratio, proportion and addingdistilled water regularly. However, the impact of external workingconditions on the battery has not changed, and the impact ofabnormal working conditions on the battery has not changed. Thispart of maintenance and repair work is still very important. Alarge number of maintenance and repair work of UPS power supplysystem is mainly in the battery part, and the work of energystorage battery is all in the floating charge state. In this case,the battery should be discharged at least once a year. Beforedischarging, the battery pack should be charged evenly to achievethe balance of the whole battery pack. It is necessary to know thebackward battery existing in the battery pack before discharging.In the discharge process, if one of them reaches the dischargetermination voltage, the discharge shall be stopped, and thebackward battery shall be eliminated before discharging. Checkdischarge is not the first to pursue the percentage of dischargecapacity, but to focus on
基于以上分析,我们推荐客户选用HIFT UPS,台达HIFT UPS具有以下4大优势:
2.2.1HIFT UPS的冗余配置方案
2.2.2方案 2台HIFT 40KVA系统并联 总容量80KVA
成立日期 | 2019年08月19日 | ||
法定代表人 | 杨保福 | ||
注册资本 | 1300 | ||
主营产品 | 蓄电池,UPS电源 | ||
经营范围 | 电子产品的技术开发、技术服务、销售、安装;家用电器、蓄电池、计算机软硬件及辅助设备、电力设备的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让、销售;办公设备、仪器仪表的维修;国内广告业务;进出口业务;批发、零售:五金交电、文具用品、建材、机械设备。(依法须批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 山东盛达绿能电源科技有限公司是在产品区技术产业区注册的高新技术企业,从事以IT服务为宗旨的、包括系统工程建设及名牌产品代理的综合性IT公司。公司自成立以来UPS电源一直是公司的主流业务。所涉及的行业有金融、证券、工厂、学校、网吧、物流、电力、国防、大型建材超市、教育等用户提供UPS产品和服务,并形成较深的影响,而且与国内外的着名厂商有着多年密切的合作关系。公司坚持以技术和服务为立身之本,本着用户至 ... |
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