UTB蓄电池UTB-712 系列说明及简介销售
更新:2021-03-11 01:01 编号:8319495 发布IP: 浏览:41次- 发布企业
- 北京盛达绿能科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:山东盛达绿能电源科技有限公司组织机构代码:91371702MA3RET2R68
- 报价
- 人民币¥1.00元每只
- 品牌
- UTB蓄电池
- 化学类型
- 免维护蓄电池
- 型号
- UTB-712
- 关键词
- UTB蓄电池UTB-712
- 所在地
- 山东济南
- 联系电话
- 18053081797
- 手机
- 18053081797
- 经理
- 刘惠 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
6.2 输出特性
6.3 过载能力(有市电状态)
UTB蓄电池UTB-712 系列说明及简介销售
1. 引用标准
JIS C 8707-1992 阴极吸收密封固定型铅蓄电池标准
JB/T8451-96 中华人民共和国机械行业标准
YD/T 799-2002 中华人民共和国通信行业标准
DL/T 637-1997 中华人民共和国通信行业标准
2 应用领域
不间断电源 军备电源
医疗设备 监控系统
通信设备 航空/航海系统
石化工业 电厂/电站等
3 UTB电池批发价格铅酸蓄电池特性
规格型号 标称电压
(V) 额定电压
(AH) 外形尺寸(MM)
长(L) 宽(B) 高(H) 总高(H)
UTB7-12 12 7 151 65 94 100
UTB12-12 12 12 151 98 94 100
UTB17-12 12 17 181 77 167 167
UTB24-12 12 24 165 125 175 180
UTB38-12 12 38 197 165 175 180
UTB65-12 12 65 350 166 175 175
UTB100-12 12 100 407 173 210 236
UTB120-12 12 120 407 173 210 236
UTB150-12 12 150 484 171 241 241
UTB200-12 12 200 522 240 216 240
4 铅酸蓄电池安装要求
5. UTB蓄电池厂家铅酸蓄电池使用注意事项
UTB battery model product introduction:
1. Reference standards
Valve regulated sealed lead-acid battery meets the followingrequirements
JIS C 8707-1992 standard for cathode absorption sealed lead-acidbatteries
JB / t8451-96 machinery industry standard of the people'sRepublic of China
YD / T 799-2002 communication industry standard of the people'sRepublic of China
DL / T 637-1997 communication industry standard of the people'sRepublic of China
2 application fields
Uninterruptible power supply for armament
Medical equipment monitoring system
Communication equipment aviation / navigation system
Petrochemical industry power plant / power station, etc
3 UTB battery wholesale price lead acid batterycharacteristics
Maintenance free (no need to add acid and water during theservice life).
The use of strict production process, monomer voltage balance isgood.
Special grid alloy is adopted, with good corrosion resistanceand deep cycle performance, and small self discharge electrode.
The adsorption fiberglass technology makes the gas recombinationefficiency up to 99% and
Low resistance, high current discharge performance.
Technical indicators:
Specification nominal voltage
(5) Rated voltage
(ah) boundary dimension (mm)
Length (L) width (b) height (H) total height (H)
4 installation requirements for lead-acid battery
Before use, check the appearance of the battery for cracks,damages and leakage. Once found, find out the cause or replace itin time.
The battery shall be installed far away from the fire source andheat source (more than 2m). Good exhaust and ventilation conditionsshall be provided to ensure the battery operation
The temperature of the ring mirror is 15-25 ℃. The battery has along service life.
Charging current and voltage, time must be in accordance withthe manufacturer's regulations, to avoid overcharge and overdischarge of the battery.
During handling, installation and use, avoid short circuitbetween positive and negative electrodes of the battery.
5. Precautions for use of lead-acid battery of UTB batterymanufacturer
The disassembly and assembly of the battery shall be completedby professional personnel. If the battery electric fluid is stainedon the skin or clothes due to mechanical damage. Rinse immediatelywith water. If splashed into the eyes, flush with plenty of wateras soon as possible and go to the hospital for treatmentimmediately.
Do not mix batteries of different capacities, differentmanufacturers or new and old batteries.
Do not wipe the battery case with a cotton cloth or sponge.
If the battery has been out of service for more than 6 months,it must be recharged before use.
Performance characteristics
1. Good safety performance: no electrolyte leakage, no batteryexpansion and rupture under normal use.
2. Good discharge performance: stable discharge voltage, flatdischarge platform.
3. Good vibration resistance: the battery in fully charged stateis completely fixed, vibrated with 4mm amplitude and 16.7hzfrequency for 1 hour, without leakage, battery expansion andrupture, and the open circuit voltage is normal.
4. Good impact resistance: the fully charged battery falls from20cm to 1cm thick hardwood for three times. No leakage, no batteryexpansion and rupture, open circuit voltage is normal.
5. Good over discharge resistance: the battery with 25 ℃ andfully charged state shall be discharged with constant resistancefor 3 weeks (the resistance value is equivalent to the resistancerequired by 1ca discharge of the battery), and the recoverycapacity shall be more than 75%.
6. Good overcharge resistance: 25 ℃, fully charged battery 0.1CAfor 48 hours, no leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, normalopen circuit voltage, capacity maintenance rate above 95%.
7. Good resistance to high current: 2ca battery in fully chargedstate will discharge for 5 minutes or 10Ca for 5 seconds. There isno fusing of conductive part and no deformation of appearance.
成立日期 | 2019年08月19日 | ||
法定代表人 | 杨保福 | ||
注册资本 | 1300 | ||
主营产品 | 蓄电池,UPS电源 | ||
经营范围 | 电子产品的技术开发、技术服务、销售、安装;家用电器、蓄电池、计算机软硬件及辅助设备、电力设备的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让、销售;办公设备、仪器仪表的维修;国内广告业务;进出口业务;批发、零售:五金交电、文具用品、建材、机械设备。(依法须批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 山东盛达绿能电源科技有限公司是在产品区技术产业区注册的高新技术企业,从事以IT服务为宗旨的、包括系统工程建设及名牌产品代理的综合性IT公司。公司自成立以来UPS电源一直是公司的主流业务。所涉及的行业有金融、证券、工厂、学校、网吧、物流、电力、国防、大型建材超市、教育等用户提供UPS产品和服务,并形成较深的影响,而且与国内外的着名厂商有着多年密切的合作关系。公司坚持以技术和服务为立身之本,本着用户至 ... |
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