Dear customers,
We are pleased to introduce to you our latest marketing andpromotion services for industrial enterprises in 2024. As a leadingcompany in the field of digital marketing, Yingshang NetworkTechnology is committed to providing you with effective andinnovative solutions to boost your business growth.
In today's digital era, a strong online presence is essentialfor industrial enterprises to reach a wider audience and increasebrand awareness. One of the most effective strategies in achievingthis is through the use of information flow advertising one-commerce platforms.
Our professional team at Yingshang Network Technologyspecializes in information flow advertising placement onvarious e-commerce platforms. With our expertise, we canhelp you effectively target your desired audience and maximize youradvertising exposure.
To make the most of this advertising method, the first step isto open an information flow advertising account onthe e-commerce platform you choose. Here are the steps to guide youthrough the account-opening process:
- Visit the official website of the chosen e-commerceplatform.
- Click on the advertising services section and selectinformation flow advertising.
- Follow the prompts and click on the option to "Open anAccount".
- Fill in the required information accurately to complete theaccount opening procedure.
It is crucial to note some key points before and during theaccount opening process:
- Ensure that you have prepared all the necessary legal andbusiness registration documents before opening an account.
- Thoroughly read and understand the terms and conditions of thee-commerce platform regarding information flow advertising.
- Set a clear budget for your advertising campaign to effectivelymanage your expenses.
- Design engaging and attractive advertisements to capture theattention of users.
- Regularly monitor the performance of your advertisements andmake necessary adjustments.
At Yingshang Network Technology, we understand that everyindustrial enterprise has unique needs and goals. Therefore, weoffer tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements. Ourexperienced team will work closely with you to develop effectiveadvertising strategies and ensure the success of your marketingcampaigns.
Our pricing for information flow advertising placement one-commerce platforms starts from 6000.00 yuan perpiece, guaranteeing excellent value for your investment.With our competitive pricing and high-quality services, you canrest assured that your business will gain the exposure itdeserves.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your businessthrough the power of information flow advertising on e-commerceplatforms. Contact Yingshang Network Technology today to discussyour marketing needs and take your industrial enterprise to newheights!
- 投资者提出参与竞价开户的申请,并按照规定提交相关材料。
- 证券根据投资者的申请材料进行审核,对符合条件的投资者进行资格审查。
- 通过摇号等方式确定参与竞价开户的投资者。
- 选定的投资者缴纳一定的开户保证金。
- 证券根据竞价结果为选定的投资者开立股票交易账户,并在规定时间内办理相应手续,以便投资者可以参与股票交易。
成立日期 | 2007年02月06日 | ||
主营产品 | 今日头条巨量引擎,快-手磁力智投和磁力金牛,小红书,广点通,视频号等等信息流广告投流开户代运营,直-播带货推广,抖音小店开通,抖音小店代运营,抖音小店报白,抖音小店特邀招商类目开通,抖音小店代开,抖音特殊类目报白,抖音带货项目,抖音直播带货项目,抖音代运营,网红带货平台,小店招商类目报白,基地入驻,小店快分销,小店入驻、视频号小店入驻、快手小店入驻、小店精选联盟、新手期开通、快手小店快分销好物联盟开通,视频号小店优选联盟开通,代运营 | ||
经营范围 | 网络技术服务;信息技术咨询服务;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;日用百货销售;化妆品零售;互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品);化妆品批发;服装服饰批发;服装服饰零售;办公用品销售;软件开发;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);计算机软硬件及辅助设备零售;信息系统集成服务,网络与信息安金软件开发;网络设备销售;信息系统运行维护服务;软件外包服务;云计算设备销售;物联网设备销售;平面设计;广告设计、代理。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) | ||
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