济南联邦国际快递 FedEx济南分公司
更新:2025-02-01 20:00 编号:17198222 发布IP: 浏览:80次- 发布企业
- 安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司组织机构代码:91340123MA2MYHU97Q
- 报价
- 人民币¥28.00元每千克
- 快递品牌
- 联邦FedEx
- 运输方式
- 国际空运
- 取件方式
- 上门取件
- 关键词
- 济南联邦国际快递网点 济南联邦快递电话 济南FedEx国际快递公司
- 所在地
- 安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
- 联系电话
- 15955942666
- 手机
- 18010889846
- 销售经理
- 程瑞 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
In the FedEx Express / JA ITC Malaysian Finals, the participatingteams presented their market entry strategy plans to a panel ofjudges comprising Lim Seng Giap, Sr. Manager Operations of FedExExpress Malaysia; Maran Virumandi, Founder of Doctor on Call andShobie Malani, Festival Director of Murfest. The teams wereevaluated based on their market entry strategy for a health productin Cambodia by applying insights and knowledge gained from thevirtual workshops.Sr. ManagerOperations of FedEx Express Malaysia, Mr. Lim Seng Giap said, “It’syet another challenging pandemic year, especially for students, butall the participants displayed a high level of passion,perseverance and competitive spirit which is truly inspiring. Asthe competition enters its 16th year,we are indeed honoured to continue our strategic collaboration withJA in organizing this annual competition, in line with our quest tomould the entrepreneurial spirit of our future leaders and preparethem for the 21st-century workplace. Kudos to all participants andwinners!”
The winning teams comprise of:TeamNimol: GohZi Yu and Low Yi Su from SMK Bandar Utama Damansara3, created ago-to filtration water bottle called CHANGE as Cambodians face poorwater sanitization and waterborne diseases. CHANGE comprises ahollow fiber membrane filter, making it easier to clean and has along lifespan. The target market is charity organizations andchildren aged between 4 to 12 years old, especially middle andlower-class Cambodians, as they critically require access to cleanwater.TeamNutriiene: Ahil Asif and Ong Wei Xiang from TanarataInternational Schools, developed the Banthem sachetswhich contain all the necessary nutrients to boost the immunesystem in children, preventing premature deaths. 1 in every 8children below the age of five dies every day in Cambodiapredominantly due to pneumonia, fever and measles. These Banthemsachets have nutrients like zinc, vitamin D3 and probiotics, andthey can also be stored at room temperature, which solves theproblem of Cambodia’s lack of cold storage facilities.
Team Healife &Co: Meenal Mech and Nakkesha Sathya Mathiazhagan from GlobalIndian International School, developed Campex, amodified sanitary pad that aims to solve the core menstrualproblems of Cambodian women. In Cambodia, many women face a lack ofresources, hygiene and overall awareness about feminine sanitarycare. Women living in poverty, unfortunately, change their pads inunhygienic ways because there are no public restrooms or adequatehygiene facilities. Campex is designed to be safe and comfortablewhilst remaining affordable and accessible. It is also ****biodegradable, which incorporates a dissolving soap strip andanti-bacterial elements.One of thejudges for the FedEx Express / JA ITC Malaysian Finals, MaranVirumandi, Founder of Doctor on Call said, “This is the first forme to be in a judging panel for the FedEx Express / JAInternational Trade Challenge and I am delighted to be presentedwith the opportunity to contribute to the efforts by both FedExExpress Malaysia and Junior Achievement in nurturing the youngleaders of tomorrow. I am in awe of the solid ideation as well assheer determination demonstrated by the winning teams – and theynailed it through their clear and structured presentation. I ampleased to have been part of this process and I wish them all thebest for their next competition leg at the Asia Pacificlevel!”
成立日期 | 2016年08月05日 | ||
法定代表人 | 陈浩 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 国际快递 国际空运 国际专线 国际进口 | ||
经营范围 | 国际货运代理、报关、报检、报验,国际空运、国际海运代理业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 安徽敦航公司主营:DHL、UPS、TNT、FEDEX、EMS和佐川急便国际快递,价格优惠,服务专业,安全快速。全面的网络以及不断创新的服务让我们在激烈的市场竞争中求得生存.我们也正在将原本单纯的快递服务扩展为综合适应能力更强的海陆空立体物流服务,并突出自身的特色,提升自身的服务品质。公司采用先进的精确图调度、全程网络化管理,完善的快件跟踪系统,让客户可以通过运单号对快件进行精确的网上跟踪查询。安徽 ... |
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