更新:2025-01-30 07:50 编号:11566414 发布IP: 浏览:24次- 发布企业
- 埃克塞德电源设备(山东)有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:埃克塞德电源设备(山东)有限公司组织机构代码:91370105MA3RAXY833
- 报价
- 人民币¥100.00元每只
- 品牌
- MAX蓄电池
- 型号
- M12-7
- 化学类型
- 铅酸
- 关键词
- MAX蓄电池,M12-7蓄电池,MAX电池,MAX蓄电池厂家
- 所在地
- 山东省济南市天桥区药山街道金蓉花园(秋天)1号楼2单元202室
- 联系电话
- 18500100400
- 手机
- 18500100400
- 总经理
- 杨淳 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
For some reasons, most enterprises may need to consider data centermigration in the life cycle of their IT environment. How do datacenters migrate from A point to B point?
Today, the IT sector is under tremendous pressure, and IT managersand managers expect to improve efficiency, achieve highavailability, and remain competitive while maintaining a safeenvironment and increasing cost effectiveness. Whatever the reasonfor data center migration, this is a complex task, and must beimplemented seamlessly as much as possible to minimize the impact0nthe enterprise and its customers.
Reasons for seamless migration of data centers
There are several reasons for the migration of data centers:0ne isthe budget shortage of enterprises, the need to reduce labor costs,electricity and cooling costs; two, enterprises may lack the spaceneeded for data center operations. Three is because enterprisesneed to meet specific regulatory and compliance requirements. Inaddition, the data center redundancy and the demand for networkinterconnection are also important factors that enterprises mustconsider in measuring whether to migrate data centers.
Data center migration is a huge and difficult project, but byimplementing these best practices, the IT team can minimizedowntime, avoid obstacles, and ensure smooth migration.
(1) determine the range of migration. A comprehensive assessment ofthe current environment and the determination of the migration ofdata centers is a critical starting point. Enterprises should havea complete list of IT environments, and create lists to understandservices and applications, as well as the physical device trackingdata center migration plan.
(2) evaluation of platform stability. Should pay attention to theservice life of equipment, whether the risk in transport will havea failure? Companies need to ensure that the data centerequipment0n standby in case of emergency.
(3) defining critical data. The identification of each data assets,and realized the importance of enterprise. To determine therelationship between the use of data assets and theenvironment.
(4) understanding the network configuration. Enterprises in theconstruction of a new position to deploy its new network, andthorough testing of communication. And not simply rely0n thereplication configuration of network infrastructure.
(5) determine the downtime caused by the migration. Understandingthis process will produce much downtime throughout the data centermigration. The duration of treatment will affect the actualmigration.
(6) define data center migration plan. Enterprises need toestablish a migration method to make sure there are no missing. Inthe process of handling data centers, equipment are needed0n themove or move? The operation time in the whole process of migration?Tools needed to evaluate data migration. If companies are usingcloud migration strategies, make sure the amount of data to betransmitted. Some clients choose network storage devices, whichwill migrate data copies first, while other clients use softwarethat can deliver data. The best method is required by theimportance of evaluation data and normal operation time to drive.Please remember, the combination can also use thesemethods.
(7) test data center migration plan. A series of tests areperformed through the application to verify that each step in theenterprise layout works. The test will be a better understanding ofhow to gradually complete the process.
(8) pay attention to the order of machine startup. After the datacenter migration re opening and operation, the machine start orderis very important. If the enterprise starts other applicationsbefore some applications, it may cause serious performance problemsand affect the operation.
(9) communication and expectation. Communication and expectationsin various business functions0n the definition is very important.Enterprise managers need to deploy staff and spend time verifyingthe server that moves the other party. They also need to know howto help them better, faster, more effective and complete the work.That's why companies should ensure that all business units knowwhat happened, when, and why. The enterprise takes the time toexchange their plans and set expectations.
(10) consider cooperation with professionals. Carefully considerwhether the enterprise team have sufficient internal resources toimplement successful migration. If the enterprise wants to migrateitself, remember that the third party can still help the datacenter to implement migration and provide engineers to help datamigration.
Partnering with the third party migration partner, the company isequipped with experienced personnel in the task, which can relievemost of the pressure in the process. Choose a suitable partner toimplement infrastructure, network connectivity, applications, anddata security and compliance requirements planning and migrationstrategy, and this partner can play an important role in avoidingthe migration of disaster.
Common problems in data center migration
Even in the implementation of the best practices in planning andimplementation, in three areas will still encounter problems needto pay attention to when the enterprise switching cloudproviders.
(1) migrating workloads. Understand the different work load havedifferent deployment options. For example, some workloads run verywell in the cloud, and some workloads can0nly run at the localdeployed data centers, while others can benefit from the hybridapproach.
(2) migration applications. Each application is the understandingof the enterprise migration and business criticaldependence.
型号 | 电压(V) | 容量(AH) | 重量(KG) | 外型尺寸(mm) | |||
长 | 宽 | 高 | 总高 | ||||
M12-7 | 12 | 7 | 2.7 | 151 | 65 | 94 | 94 |
M12-17 | 12 | 17 | 5.6 | 180 | 77 | 167 | 167 |
M12-24 | 12 | 24 | 7.5 | 165 | 125 | 175 | 175 |
M12-38 | 12 | 38 | 14.5 | 197 | 165 | 175 | 175 |
M12-65 | 12 | 65 | 21 | 350 | 166 | 175 | 175 |
M12-100 | 12 | 100 | 30 | 407 | 173 | 210 | 210 |
M12-150 | 12 | 150 | 42 | 483 | 170 | 239 | 239 |
M12-200 | 12 | 200 | 55 | 522 | 240 | 219 | 219 |
应急照明设备 不间断电源 移动测量设备 电动工具 电动玩具 计算机
1) 体重比能量高,内阻小,输出功率高;
2) 充放电性能高,自放电控制在每个月2% 以下(20℃);
3) 恢复性能好 , 在深放电或者充电器出现故障时,短路放置30天后,仍可使用均衡充电法使其恢复容量;
4) 由于单体电池的内阻、容量、浮充电压*性好,铅酸蓄电池放电时,在蓄电池的电位差作用下,负极板上的电子经负载进入正极板形成电流I。在电池内部进行化学反应。电池在浮充使用状态下无需均衡充电。
6、温度适应性强: 可在-30℃~50℃下安全、放心地使用;
7、使用和运输安全简便: 满荷电出厂,无游离电解液,电池可横向放置,并可以无危险材料进行水、陆运输;
成立日期 | 2019年12月30日 | ||
法定代表人 | 杨在友 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | UPS电源,EPS应急电源、直流电源等电源产品。松下、汤浅蓄电池,德国阳光蓄电池,铅酸蓄电池,免维护蓄电池,胶体蓄电池,太阳能用蓄电池等电池产品 | ||
经营范围 | 电源设备技术开发、技术服务、技术咨询;批发、零售:蓄电池、五金交电、电子产品、机械设备、计算机软硬件及辅助设备、文具、非专控通讯设备、日用品、家用电器、服装、鞋帽、针纺织品、化工产品(不含危险化学品及易制毒化学品) 以及其他法律、法规、国务院决定等规定未禁止和不需经营许可的项目。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 埃克塞德电源设备(山东)有限公司拥有逾6000平方米的仓库和物流中心,并在上海、北京、广州、西安、成都、南京、济南、沈阳、昆明、武汉等多地设有办事处或销售机构。埃克赛德电源设备(山东)有限公司是一家以UPS不间断电源、EPS应急电源、胶体免维护蓄电池、交直流稳压电源、逆变电源、智能电力开关柜、新能源、电力电源监控系统的研发、生产、销售及技术推广服务等多行业发展高新企业,拥有业界完整的产品线,专注于 ... |
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- MAX蓄电池M12-7产品详细说明铅酸系列MAX电池100.00元/只
品牌:MAX蓄电池 - CSB蓄电池HR1218W F2应急后备储能电池100.00元/只
品牌:CSB蓄电池 - CSB蓄电池HR1218W F2 详细说明稳压电流输出100.00元/只
品牌:CSB蓄电池 - CSB蓄电池HR1218W F2产品详细说明100.00元/只
品牌:CSB蓄电池 - CSB蓄电池HR1224W F2F1胶体系列报价 生产报价100.00元/只
品牌:CSB蓄电池 - MAX蓄电池M12-7产品报价MAX电池参数100.00元/只
品牌:MAX蓄电池 - 原装MAX蓄电池M12-7产品用途及简介100.00元/只
品牌:MAX蓄电池 - MAX蓄电池M12-12铅酸系列MAX技术参数100.00元/只
品牌:MAX蓄电池 - MAX蓄电池M12-12经销商优质产品报价100.00元/只
品牌:MAX蓄电池 - MAX蓄电池M12-12铅酸系列MAX电池12v12ah100.00元/只