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  DHL 宣布与全球的 ESL建立正式合作伙伴关系,并正在扩大其在电子竞技市场的品牌影响力,该市场正以数百万的粉丝和活跃玩家呈指数增长。ESL举办和营销电子竞技联赛和赛事,包括流行电子竞技学科 Dota 2、反恐精英:全球攻势 (CS:GO)、星际争霸 II和英雄联盟的锦标赛。ESL 制作其电子竞技比赛的直播,并通过所有主要数字渠道进行分发,例如Facebook、YouTube、Twitter 和 Twitch。

  DHL 为 ESL 提供核心物流服务,作为具有创意直播内容的赞助商,其品牌将在各种社交媒体渠道上以及在整个 ESL One系列锦标赛中通过的传播措施进行展示。通过这次新的合作,DHL将一项不仅在世界范围内迅速发展,还提供价值并享有高水平粉丝参与的运动,加入到一系列合作伙伴关系中,其中一些合作伙伴关系是长期的,在以下领域体育、文化和生活方式。对球员的要求是巨大的,要达到他们的水平,他们需要极高的注意力、速度、战术技巧和团队合作能力。游戏的快节奏特性意味着只有几分之一秒可以成为胜负之差。正是这种速度和兴奋的结合让如此多的观众着迷。早在2018 年 3月,DHL宣布与一级方程式电子竞技系列赛建立正式合作伙伴关系,进军充满希望的电子竞技领域。作为与拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部合作的一部分,DHL横幅广告将出现在足球模拟视频游戏 FIFA 18 中。


  新的合作使 DHL 能够活跃于吸引年轻一代日益增长的趋势的业务。大型电子竞技赛事及其选手让全球数亿粉丝兴奋不已,其中超过 60%的人年龄在 16 至 35 岁之间。 ,以及根据他们的兴趣和媒体使用模式量身定制的内容和格式,”德国邮政 DHL 集团企业品牌营销主管Arjan Sissing 说。“我们很高兴在 ESL中找到了一个合作伙伴,该合作伙伴是国际电子竞技业务的参与者之一。通过我们的合作伙伴关系,我们打算创造将人们聚集在一起的独特时刻。”

  ESL的众多大型电子竞技锦标赛遍布世界各地的主要体育竞技场,数以万计的粉丝观看现场直播,还有数百万在线观众在社交媒体上关注赛事。仅在2017 年,ESL 的锦标赛和联赛就吸引了超过 2 亿独立观众。来自世界各地的战队和选手在 ESL One 上相互较量——Dota2 和 CS:GO 每年都有数百万欧元的奖金,赌注很高。“在DHL,我们找到了完美的合作伙伴,可以为我们在全球锦标赛中面临的复杂物流挑战提供所需的支持,”ESL 执行官 RalfReichert 说。“有了 DHL 加入我们的团队,我们很高兴能够为世界各地的电子竞技和电子竞技社区创造附加价值,

  DHL announces its official partnership with the world’s largesteSports company, ESL, and is expanding its brand presence in theesports market, which is growing exponentially with millions offans and active players. ESL stages and markets esports leagues andevents, including tournaments in the popular esports disciplinesDota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), StarCraft II andLeague of Legends. In addition, ESL produces live streams of itsesports tournaments and distributes them via all the major digitalchannels, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Twitch.

  DHL provides core logistics services to ESL and, as a sponsorwith creative live stream content, its brand will be featured onvarious social media channels and via further communicationsmeasures throughout the ESL One series tournaments. With this newcollaboration, DHL is adding a sport that is not only growingrapidly around the world but that also delivers top entertainmentvalue and enjoys a high level of fan involvement, to a series ofpartnerships, some of them longstanding, in the areas of sport,culture and lifestyle. The demands placed on the players areimmense, and to reach the top of their game they require extremeconcentration, speed, tactical skill and teamwork skills. Thehigh-paced nature of the games means that just a fraction of asecond can be the difference between victory and defeat. And it isprecisely this combination of speed and excitement that keeps somany viewers hooked. As early as March 2018, DHL announced itsofficial partnership with the Formula 1 esports Series, making itsdebut into the promising esports sector. DHL banner advertisingwill be visible in the soccer simulation video game FIFA 18 as partof its partnership with FC Bayern Munich.

  The new collaboration enables DHL to become active in a businessthat appeals to the growing trend among younger generations. Themajor esports tournaments and their top players thrill hundreds ofmillions of fans around the world, more than 60 percent of whom areaged between 16 and 35. “In esports, we can reach this importanttarget group with the DHL brand on an emotional level, and withcontent and formats that are tailored precisely to their interestsand their media usage patterns,” says Arjan Sissing, Head ofCorporate Brand Marketing at Deutsche Post DHL Group. “We aredelighted to have found a partner in ESL that is one of the leadingplayers in the international eSport business. Through ourpartnership we intend to create unique moments that bring peopletogether.”


  ESL’s numerous major esports tournaments fill major sportingarenas all around the world as tens of thousands of fans watch liveand several million further online spectators follow the action onsocial media. In 2017 alone, ESL’s tournaments and leagues reachedover 200 million unique viewers. The best teams and players fromall around the world battle it out against each other at the ESLOne – and with annual Dota 2 and CS:GO winnings of several millioneuros to be claimed, the stakes are high. ?In DHL we have found theperfect partner to provide the support we need for the complexlogistics challenges entailed in our global tournaments,” says RalfReichert, CEO at ESL. “With DHL on our team, we are delighted to beable to create added value for both esports and the esportscommunity all around the world, and to play our part in promotingthe continued growth of the esports scene.”

  As the official logistics partner, DHL will handle the eventlogistics for the ESL One series, transporting not only the stageequipment to the venues throughout the series but also theindividual gamer seating that belongs to the teams of players.Here, DHL can draw on decades of expertise in event logistics.“Every event, every freight shipment and every location has its ownindividual demands and requirements to which the respectivelogistics must be precisely tailored,” says Vincenzo Scrudato,Managing Director, DHL Trade Fairs & Events. “All the logisticscomponents need to fit right down to the last detail – from A forair freight to Z for zero defects.” Two of the world’s most popularesports titles, the real-time strategy game Dota 2 and thefirst-person shooter CS:GO, are played at tournaments. A Dota 2tournament in Birmingham will kick off the series at the end ofMay, to be followed in June by a CS:GO tournament in Belo Horizontein Brazil. The ESL One series will then move on to Cologne in July,New York in September and Hamburg in October.

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